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Two Jinjiang people are commended

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2020-09-14 19:02

China held a meeting on Sept 8 at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing to commend role models in the country’s fight against the COVID-19 epidemic. Advanced individuals, groups, CPC members and primary-level Party organizations were commended for their roles in fighting the epidemic. Xie Baoyuan, deputy director of Nursing Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, and Hong Bingwen, executive vice president of Fujian Seven Brand Fashion Technology Co., Ltd, were awarded national honorary title for their outstanding contributions to the country’s fight against the COVID-19 epidemic.


"Being awarded the National Advanced Individual in the fight against COVID-19 is a great encouragement to me, and I feel a stronger sense of mission and responsibility. This honor belongs to all the medical personnel who have made efforts to protect people's lives regardless of their own safety,” Xie Baoyuan said.

On Feb 20, Xie Baoyuan, a native of Cizao in Jinjiang, became a member of the 11th batch (Quanzhou city's third batch) of medical team supporting Hubei Province. Their team took over two special wards (for patients with severe conditions) of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital. Among the 134 patients 96 were cured and discharged. Their intensive nursing team took care of 298 patients, achieving "zero deaths" of inpatients, "zero reinfection" of discharged patients, "zero accident" of safety management, "zero infection" of medical staff.


"To shift production in the first month of the lunar year was to tackle a matter of extreme urgency. And we never thought about getting any honor. Being awarded is a recognition of me and all the staff." As the only enterprise representative being awarded in Quanzhou, Hong Bingwen feels honored, he told reporters this is a great honor and achievement gained by Seven Brand and many cooperative units.

Hong Bingwen recalled that after the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, hundreds of Seven Brand employees rushed back to the company from all over the country. They regarded the conversion of production as the front line of fighting the epidemic, because everyone believed "protective coveralls are clothes used to save people. As long as they could save people, no matter how difficult it was they would spare no effort to deal with it. " Based on this, Seven Brand established a workshop within one day and successfully sent the first batch of protective clothing within 7 days to meet the need of medical resources. Seven Brand has become the first garment enterprise in Fujian province to "shift production" and obtain the qualification for producing sterile medical protective coveralls.

"We're doing our job." In Hong Bingwen's view, the honor awarded by the state is a recognition, a concern, and a kind of incentive.









  记者:施珊妹 刘泽宇 李诗怡 秦 越

  董严军 陈巧玲

  翻译校对:黄珍珍 黄凌燕 郑芷芳 张自玲



稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 谢飞明陈子汉 [打印] 
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