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Better Gymnasiade, Better Jinjiang

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2020-09-07 18:16

A major event presented itself as an opportunity for a city to promote a new round of high-level development. In Oct 2017, Jinjiang won the bid to host ISF Gymnasiade 2020, becoming the second city in China to hold the international youth sports event after Shanghai. Since then Jinjiang has been preparing for the event.

The Jinjiang municipal government has announced sixteen different action plans, which will be implemented while preparing for international youth sports. In combination with the project of public wellbeing advancement, the city will further upgrade itself to promote the comprehensive improvement of public transport, urban landscape and ecological environment, to display a better image of Jinjiang and to essentially promote the development of the city and make the city more attractive.

The completion of Xiefang Avenue marks the completion and improvement of road network around Jinjiang No.2 Sports Center.

Overall improvement of public transport

Cai Zhenxing, from Jinjiang Municipal Construction Company, is the representative of the road construction project at the Shoe and Textile Manufacturing Base of Jinjiang. The construction of Xiefang Avenue is a municipal-level project, which was officially started on August 1, 2018. As front-line personnel of this project, Cai witnessed the change of the Avenue out of nothing.

“The total length of the Avenue is about 2.1 km. After more than one year’s construction, the completion of construction means that the road network around the city’s No.2 Sports Center has been established and improved,” said Cai Zhenxing. He further pointed out that due to the walking distance between the Avenue and the No.2 Sports Center, this road project is also a major part of the transport preparation of Gymnasiade. The comprehensive road network will also further promote the economic development of the new district of Eastern Jinjiang.

A comprehensive road network is as important as the lifeline for a city’s development, which is also a reflection of a city’s image. To ensure a comprehensive road network for the Gymnasiade, Jinjiang Transport Bureau has made a full plan from the aspects of road construction and transport system improvement, including an upgrade of the public transport system (airport, railway station and their surroundings, high-speed road area, etc.), parking facilities, and transport management.

“This year, we’ll focus on speeding up the construction of double-ring road Quanzhou Bay, Eastern Expressway and Jinjiang Jiangnan Expressway, and build a new high-speed rail network connecting Tian’an Bridge, Jinjiang Bridge, and the ring expressway,” said the representative from Jinjiang Transport Bureau. He also introduced that Jinjiang will break the new Longshi Road, Hengjiu connecting line, Dongshi connecting line, and the No.8 Road. At the same time, the city will promote road construction in the south area of Chidian and the area around the city’s Convention and Exhibition Center. The implementation of an integrated transport construction plan including the optimization of the transport system of airport, railway station, and high-speed road area will help to improve the transfer system and then the commuting efficiency so as to promote the city’s comprehensive transport construction and management.

Guarantee environmental quality, upgrade city landscape

“By examination, we found that two pipes used for direct discharge of sewage were broken. Through coordination, they have been rectified and connected to the main pipe network,” said Wu Wenyou in early July. This law enforcement official from Luoshan Squadron of Jinjiang Bureau of Ecology and Environment was finally assured with the settlement of the case. 

A specific campaign has been launched in Jinjiang three months ago to examine and rectify the pollution discharge outlets of the Jiushijiuxi River. Under the leadership of Wu, members like Cai Dapeng and Ding Guide are responsible for the examination of the downstream of Lingpan Bridge in Meixi Village. In the process of tracing the source, the direct discharge of sewage problems was found in Pollution Discharge Outlets No. 42 and No. 48, of Cizao Printing Base and Taichang Village in Cizao Town respectively. Now the problems have been solved through coordination.

“We will propose scientific rectification measures based on the principle of ‘one case, one policy’, and then build a systematic working system to examine and monitor those pollution discharge outlets, tracing sources of relevant problems and proposing further rectification methods. The ultimate goal is to promote the realization of clean water, smooth flow of rivers, green riverbank, and diversified ecology.” Lin Zhixiong, the director of Jinjiang Bureau of Ecology and Environment mentioned.

To improve the ecological environment, Jinjiang will launch a total of 12 programs from three aspects, including constantly propelling the construction of environmental infrastructure, the construction of rural scenery project of the Jiushijiuxi River, and implementing the prevention and control of pollution.

According to Wang Qinglong, director of Jinjiang Bureau of Forestry and Landscaping, in upgrading the city landscape, Jinjiang mainly focuses on the construction of main locations such as hotels, competition venues and scenic spots, and main routes like Jinxin Road, Shuanglong Road, and Jinguang Road, as well as some significant demonstrative aspects of the city. It simultaneously propels the comprehensive remediation of road space, building elevation, greening landscape, and nightscape lighting. 57 projects are either under construction or completed to upgrade the city’s quality, beautify the city landscape, and demonstrate the charm of the city.

“The air quality of Jinjiang has become better and better,” said Mr. Chen, a citizen of Jinjiang. The Gymnasiade is a window for Jinjiang to demonstrate itself to the world, and the environmental quality is undoubtedly a direct way to showcase it.

Emergency system improves the capacity of comprehensive security

“Got it! Head out now!” is most frequently said by the first-aiders in Jinjiang 120 Emergency Center. During the outbreak of COVID-19, the total number of emergency calls and the cases of emergency and accident doubled than usual. Thanks to the first aiders’ excellent quality and the advanced emergency system, patients were all safely transported and received timely and effective treatment, which made a great contribution to the prevention and control of the pandemic outbreak.

Such a major role that the 120 Emergency Center played during the COVID-19 can not be separated from the construction and improvement of its system in these two years. Since the successful bid for the 18th ISF Gymnasiade, Jinjiang municipal government has enhanced its comprehensive security capacity by setting up Gymnasiade Security Command Center as well as organizing service teams of medical care, international liaison, and volunteers.

Ji Ganghong, Director of Jinjiang Health Bureau, said that in the past two years, Jinjiang had accelerated the construction of the medical security system on sports events, and great efforts had been made especially on the construction of 120 emergency systems which had also achieved impressive results.

On March 18, 2019, Jinjiang 120 Emergency Command and Dispatch System was officially launched. It is the most advanced system in Fujian province after the Provincial Emergency Center and Xiamen Emergency Center, which also marks Jinjiang’s medical security on large-scale events entering the intelligent era. Up to now, the Jinjiang emergency network system has been set up, including an emergency command center, 4 emergency sub-centers, and 9 first aid stations, which successfully realized the goal of “building a 15-minute emergency medical circle”.

This year, Jinjiang municipal government plans to install AEDs (defibrillator monitors) in 50 more public places, though 10 such places were set up last year. These places are named “Anxin Sites” with the meaning of “for safe and peaceful hearts”. Besides, in the past two years, various medical and health institutions have been organized to give free first-aid training for those in villages, enterprises, institutions, and other places, which constantly consolidates the good social foundation of “everybody’s trained, for everybody’s aid.”




  完善交通体系 推进交通建设全面提升





  保障环境质量 提升城市景观风貌





  晋江市林业和园林绿化局局长王清龙表示,在提升城市景观风貌上,晋江围绕酒店、场馆、景区等重要节点,晋新路、双龙路、晋光路等重要路线,以及重要城市展示面,同步推进道路空间、建筑立面、绿化景观、夜景照明综合整治,建设 57个城市品质提升项目,扮靓城市颜值,彰显城市气质。


  搭建急救体系 提升综合保障能力






  策划:秦 娴

  记者:阙杨娜 刘泽宇 李诗怡 秦 越                    

  董严军 陈巧玲

  翻译校对:张蕾 黄荣足 黄雅君 刘巧艺



标签:Better Gymnasiade
稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 谢飞明陈子汉 [打印] 
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