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Jinjiang No.2 Sports Center meets NBA specifications

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2020-09-07 17:28

According to the project construction headquarters, Jinjiang No.2 Sports Center has conducted a 10-hour full load power test recently. The test was carried out smoothly with the expected results achieved.

As one of the major venues for the 2020 Gymnasiade, Jinjiang No.2 Sports Center is full-featured with a stadium, a natatorium, a training center with competition halls, training halls and small conference rooms, as well as a living area for the athletes. How to ensure the smooth and safe operation of each venue during the games is a matter of the utmost importance for the project construction. To this end, the contractor, constructer, and operation company collaborated with Jinjiang Power Supply Company for the first time to run a 10-hour full load power test on the whole project.

The 10-hour full load power test achieved expected results.

Lin Qiuping, project manager of Jinjiang No. 2 Sports Center, said that through this test, they’ve not only had a comprehensive grasp of the actual situation of the venue’s electrical equipment, but also laid a solid foundation for the safe operation during the games.

Lin also said that the sports center has been undergoing an internal trial operation since it was delivered in March. “We are now conducting an internal trial operation, trying to make a good handover with the operator, and meanwhile, keep testing the operation condition of the venue.”

Jinjiang No.2 Sports Center is located in the new district of eastern Jinjiang, with a total planned land area of 353 mu and a total construction area of about 192,800 square meters. It is worth mentioning that the lighting, spherical screen and sound reinforcement system of Jinjiang No. 2 Sports Center are all designed by professional designers. They have been professionally measured and tested after installation, and proved to meet the requirements of NBA specifications.







  策划:秦 娴

  记者:阙杨娜 刘泽宇 李诗怡 秦 越                    

  董严军 陈巧玲

  翻译校对:张蕾 黄荣足 黄雅君 刘巧艺



标签:No.2 Sports Center
稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 谢飞明陈子汉 [打印] 
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