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Jinjiang Youth Sports School entered service

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2020-09-07 17:28

Jinjiang Youth Sports School in Qianpu, Anhai, has been put into service recently. Eight sports teams, including the team of track and field, will be based here.

Inside the campus, the stadium stands imposingly side by side with the training hall. Approaching the field, the red tracks and green lawn come into sight. Some young athletes jogging around the field brings this new sports venue into life.

Lin Jincong, a sprint coach of Jinjiang Youth Sports School, told that the training base of the sprint team was originally set at Cizao Middle School of Jinjiang, and now everyone in the team is excited about moving here. Lin feels absolutely confident with the specification and condition of this new pitch for it is one of the venues ready for hosting the track and field events of the 2020 Gymnasiade. "To be able to enjoy such a good pitch will help us a lot in our future training,” he said, “we will spare no effort to carry out training, to discover and select more talents for the development of Jinjiang’s sports."

Wu Jiancai, principal of Jinjiang Youth Sports School, said that given various factors, and under the guidance and management of the Jinjiang Sports Bureau, eight sports teams including track and field, fencing, free combat, boxing, martial arts, taekwondo, swimming, and basketball have moved here for their training, with a total of 11 coaches and 150 athletes.

Young athletes are doing their daily training.

Started in July 2018, the project of Jinjiang Youth Sports School mainly includes the construction of track-and-field ground, gymnasium, training hall, 100-meter stormproof track, dormitory, athletes’ apartment and canteen, strength training gym, etc. It is worth mentioning that after the Gymnasiade, all the venues will be open to the public, providing sports facilities for citizens nearby.







  策划:秦 娴

  记者:阙杨娜 刘泽宇 李诗怡 秦 越                    

  董严军 陈巧玲

  翻译校对:张蕾 黄荣足 黄雅君 刘巧艺



稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 谢飞明陈子汉 [打印] 
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