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A Further Wave of Going Public among Jinjiang Companies

www.ijjnews.com    晋江新闻网 2020-06-01 19:04

A Further Wave of Going Public among Jinjiang Companies

Workers of Haina Machinery adjusting and testing machine

According to the Jinjiang Financial Work Bureau, Haina Intelligent Equipment International Holdings Limited (hereafter referred to as Haina Machinery) is ready to be listed on the mainboard of Hong Kong Stock Exchange on June 3rd, making it Quanzhou’s first newly listed company for this year and the 47th listed company in Jinjiang. Previously, the other two local companies Zhengyang Technology Co., Ltd and Bohan Co., Ltd were listed on Haixia Equity Exchange.

Haina Machinery is to offer 116 million shares, including 90% for private sales and 10% for public offerings. The issue price will be 1.08 to 1.5 yuan per share, which means Haina Machinery will raise up to 174 million yuan at most. According to the company’s prospectus, 23.2% of the funds will be used in building a new research center in Jinjiang, 22.2% in enhancing research and development capacity, 16.2% in increasing productivity, 35.1% in acquisition to bolster its overall competitiveness and 3.3% for working capital and general corporate purposes.

Besides Haina Machinery, some other local companies are also preparing to go public, among which one has been approved by the CSRC for its applications for IPO, one under the IPO review procedures, two registered for pre-listing tutoring by the CSRC, three submitted and one preparing their IPO applications to Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd, and another one planning to enter the selected layer of the New Third Board.

The capital market in Jinjiang has always been operating very well. In order to utilize the capital market and to build more powerful companies, Jinjiang governments at all levels support the local companies’ restructuring and listing by providing comprehensive back-up services, such as policy interpretation, specialized training, coordination and communication, experts exchange forum, door-to-door guidance and capital connection, thus creating a pro-listing environment for local companies. Based on the principle of “considerate service and immediate action”, making full use of the task allocation scheme which has been practicing and improving for years, the government is able to provide excellent services to companies which show interest in going public, through initiatives including supportive policies, one company one solution scheme, coordination and following 








  执行:施珊妹 蔡斯洵 柯雅雅 董严军

  翻译:林琳 张秀燕 吴景森 陈娟

稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 谢飞明陈子汉 [打印] 
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