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Chaobei house:the most beautiful old house of Southern Fujian in Wudianshi

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2018-06-12 18:10

  A scene in Jinjiang

  The traditional block of Wudianshi is known as the "ancient house museum of red brick in southern Fujian", and the Chaobei house has become one of the shining pearls with "the best materials of architecture and the best skills of carving".

  Chaobei house faces to north, it’s five rooms and two doors with Yingshan roof, brick and stone building. There is a guard house on the left, and the dressing building situated above the room on the left and right side and wing-room,covering an area of 870 square meters.

  Chaobei Zhuang, the owner of the Chaobei house, is an overseas Chinese living in Philippines. When he was a child, his family had a large population, a small income and the life is very hard. In his early 20s, Chaobei Zhuang went down to the South of the Ocean along with fellow villager, he suffered a lot in the foreign country, he used to be a porter, a choreman,pinched and saved for many years to open a rice mill, gradually make the career bigger, expand the business, opened winery, rice mill, and became a rich businessman.

  In 1935, Chaobei Zhuang remitted entrusted the hometown clan leader to build Chaobei house. The clan leader did not hesitate to spend money to hire the most skilled woodworker and stone workers in Southern Fujian to build the most beautiful big house. However, at the later stage of the project of Chaobei house , The War of Resistance Against Japan broke out, then Chaobei Zhuang stopped the project, and donated project funds of the later period to the government to buy guns to against Japan. Nevertheless, the wood and stone carvings completed in the early days of the Chaobei house are still second to none among the numerous large houses in the Qingyang overseas Chinese hometowns.

  In 2005, a TV series about the history of Jinjiang overseas Chinese "love in the south of the Ocean", was shot in the Chaobei house.

  Now, Chaobei house is used for Wudianshi Folkloric Museum. It shows the original life appearance of five generations of Southern Fujian family's life from 30s to 80s by setting Southern Fujian traditional production and living appliances.

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