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Foreign language volunteers contribute to the internationalization of Jinjiang

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2018-06-12 17:55

  Volunteers were speaking to athletes on the world beach volleyball tour match.

  Miaomiao Zhang who is 26, is an oral English teacher at Jinjiang huaqiao vocational school. Coincidentally, she joined Jinjiang Association for International Exchange of Personnel on the recommendation of her colleagues.

  The most impressive thing to Miaomiao is the world beach volleyball tour match. As a volunteer, the members of the association are mainly responsible for assisting the communication between equipment room, medical room, media communication office, hotel and athletes. "The language environment is important. When you get to a place where you can only speak English, you will unconsciously speak English and have a strong desire to communicate with them.

  As Jinjiang people Miaomiao said, she wants to participate in more such activities in the future, accumulates rich experience in actual combat, provides more high quality service for all competitions for the future and foreign exchanges, contributing to the internationalization of Jinjiang.

  Volunteers were teaching children in the cochlea class of Jinjiang special education school.

  Qiaoying Shi, who teaches in Jinjiang vocational technical secondary school, has been engaged in English teaching since he graduated from English major.

  Every Tuesday afternoon, volunteers and foreign teachers go to Jinjiang special education school to teach children in cochlea class. In Qiaoyin's view, it's the most meaningful thing to be a volunteer.

  Qiaoying Shi says that, the children are shy at first, but can express themselves bravely with encouragement. "What impressed me the most was their eyes for knowledge, their smiling faces, their expressions of pride and satisfaction." Qiao ying said, to see them learning healthily and happily is our biggest gain.

  Unlike Miaomiao and Qiao ying, Yongji Chen, who works in the Lingyuan sub-district office, is not major in English but has fallen in love with English because of his interest.

  Chen says he often studies English in his spare time. Apart from studying films and television works, he is deeply touched by the English corner.

  The English corner has a variety of themes and activities. Besides study, we can also play games. More interestingly, in the English corner can know many people in different countries. Therefore, Yongji Chen got to know that the various countries' different accents, like American, British, and Indian accent. Although it's difficult to understand at the beginning, after many times of communication, he can communicate smoothly now.

  "Language is like blood, accelerating the internationalization of Jinjiang." Yongji Chen said "it's not just me, with a certain atmosphere and cultivation, more and more people are learning English and are interested in it."

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