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Jinjiang event

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2018-05-16 17:24

  ◎From April 19th to 22nd, the 20th Jinjiang Footwear & The 3rd Sports Industry International Exposition was held in Jinjiang.The exhibition hall covers an area of 60,000 square meters and 2,200 international standard booths are set up. It has successfully attracted 159,400 merchants from nearly 80 countries and regions like the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States, Russia, India, and Iran, and reached an intent volume of a transaction at 20.592 billion yuan.

  ◎April 27th, the Jinjiang Science and Education Park of Fuzhou University was officially unveiled. This is a milestone in the cooperation between Jinjiang and Fuzhou University. It is understood that the park has set up 5 school departments,22 majors, and the first batch of 270 graduate students formally settled on April 26.

  ◎At Beijing time 3:30 a.m on May 9, the closing ceremony of the 17th Gymnasiade was held at the Marrakech Stadium in Morocco. At the closing ceremony, Jinjiang, as the host city for the 18th Gymnasiade, took over the Gymnasiade flag, which indicates that Gymnasiade has officially entered the “Jinjiang Time”. After the flag-handover ceremony, Jinjiang, as the next host city, brought a four-minute event with the theme of “Better us,Better Future!”.

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