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Jinjiang event

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2018-04-13 17:17

  ◎Mar. 30th Themed with "The Ancient City of Maritime Silk Road, The New City of Worldwide Brands", a promotion event for Jinjiang City was held in Beijing. It was the first time that Jinjiang fully presented its fascination in the capital city. Through exhibiting city overview, local food, intangible cultural heritage and traditional customs, etc, this event showed Jinjiang's charm and energy from various aspects.

  ◎Mar. 26th Provincial Health and Family Planning Commision published the hospital performance evaluation result of tertiary TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) hospital. Jinjiang TCM hospital successfully passed this evaluation and became the first county-level tertiary TCM hospital in Fujian province.

  ◎Apr. 2nd As the main stadium of the 18th Gymnasiade in 2020, the construction of Jinjiang Second Sport Center had an important process. This project had its first pile driving on, which means Jinjiang Second Sport Center officially stepped into the construction stage. Jinjiang second Sport center is located in Jindong new district, Chendai town. The project is plan to cover 353 mu and total building area is 188 thousands m2. The main venues are gymnasium and swimming hall.

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