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Anping bridge

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2018-04-13 17:12

  A scene in Jinjiang

Anping bridge.

  Anping bridge enjoys the reputation of "There is no bridge longer than the bridge", it's located in the bay between Anhai town of Jinjiang and Shuitou town in Nan'an city. Its China's longest existing ancient stone bridge, and it is a masterpiece of ancient bridge construction. It got its name because Anhai's ancient name is "Anping road". And its also known as "Wuli bridge" because of the length of the bridge.

  In Anhai, Hu Huang and Yi Huang, the father and son Confucian Merchants achieved a much-told tale of the charity of repairing bridge which has always been known for people.

  Hu Huang was the grandson of Shougong Huang who is the founder of the Kaiyuan temple in Quanzhou, he moved with his father to Anhai from Tong'an when he was young.

  At that time, if people wanted to across from the Anhai ferry to the other side of the town, they could only take the wooden boat. In the typhoon day of the Anhai harbor, tidewater surged, the wind blew the white waves into high peaks, sometimes it was very dangerous.

  Therefore, Hu Huang proposed to build a long span bridge, and he donated 10 million copper coins in the Shaoxing eight years (1138 years) of the southern song Dynasty, opened the curtain of bridge building. After that, his son Yi Huang who was the county magistrate of Xinghua, followed his father, and the bridge was finally built in 1152 under the leadership of Lingjin Zhao who was the satrap of Quanzhou.

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