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Jinjiang event

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2018-06-12 18:14

  From May 11 to 14, Wenru Liu, secretary of municipal party committee of Jinjiang ,led a team to Egypt and the united Arab emirates to promote Jinjiang Gymnasiade, the international FISU World Cup and the sports industry. The delegation visited local officials of the ministry of education and the ministry of sports, and invited African and middle eastern countries to participate in the 2020 Gymnasiade. Meanwhile, the visiting delegation also visited the Institute of the continent of Egypt, understood the school sports facilities construction and students' sports, etc., and held Jinjiang(UAE) sports promotion and business docking in the united Arab emirates.

  On May 26, the first national integrated circuit "entrepreneurship core" competition award ceremony was held in Jinjiang. This competition is the first national competition focusing on early projects in the field of integrated circuits in China, sponsored by Talent exchange center of Ministry of industry and information technology and undertaken by the Jinjiang Municipal people's government. The competition was launched since November last year, a large number of elites of integrated circuit industries at home and abroad participated in it, 9 sub stations received 245 entries, covering areas like chip design, chip application, artificial intelligence, Internet, 5G communications and so on.

  On May 29, international FISU World Cup’s running promotion signing ceremony was held in Jinjiang, Jinjiang signed a contract with Ali sports, gives the operation and promotion of FISU World Cup to Ali sports. It is understood that Ali sports will take the FISU football World Cup and other major international events as an opportunity to integrate various resources, to provide technical , ecological and Industrial empowerment to the overall development of the sports industry in Jinjiang.

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