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“Loving freezers” warm residents in Jinjiang

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2020-08-03 20:54

“Cool the summer, Care for workers under the scorching sun! (please tweet it to help more)”. This tweet from the WeChat official account of Jinjiang Economic Newspaper on July 22nd has attracted more than 160,000 readers and received great support from all walks of life.

At present, the service networks for “loving freezer” have been in operation in 19 towns such as Qingyang, Meiling, Luoshan, Chendai, Anhai, Xiyuan, and Cizao. They have been set up in areas concentrated with outdoor labors, including China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, Baxianshan Park, Zengjing bus station, Wudianshi traditional blocks, Wuyue Plaza, and Aixin grid shop (a non-profit charity mini store), etc. The "loving freezer” brings great convenience to the thirsty workers nearby. This service is available daily from 8:00 to 18:00 and is planned to last till August 31st.

Located at Wudianshi blocks, Zhuangyuan Street, the service station in Wanying Herbal Tea Hall attracts many tourists’ attention. At the entrance of the ancient building, a "loving freezer" with a blue public welfare poster is particularly conspicuous. Ms. Deng, a tourist, said, “Jinjiang is not only a beautiful city but also a place where people have beautiful hearts." 

“It's thirst-quenching, very comfortable!”, said Peng Xiuying, a sanitation worker of Wudianshi, after taking a bottle of water in a single gulp. She said happily that the water was free-offer. When she first heard it from the shop clerk, she was a little bit hesitant and couldn’t believe it was true.

As soon as the service station at the Aixin grid shop in Chongde Road started running, volunteer Zhu immediately informed the nearby sanitation workers and motorcycle-taxi drivers to fetch the free water.

“It's too hot recently, this freezer comes really in time, much earlier than last year”, said Li Shuxuan, a sanitation worker for 18 years. She told reporters that the water she brought for herself was not enough in such hot days. “I want to say thank you to the anonymous donors. Thank you for all of your care, we can continue to enjoy the free water this year. I very much appreciate that. This ice water can really cool you down.” Last year, she and her colleagues could come every day to get free water as much as they needed.

“Perseverance is the key factor for a charity event. I’ll give a big thumb-up to Jinjiang Economic Newspaper”, said Lv Conglong, the owner of Changleji Shedian Shop. Last summer, he purchased a freezer voluntarily and joined this “cold water for free” activity, a charity event initiated by Jinjiang Economic Newspaper. Therefore, his shop became one of the service networks of “loving freezers”. And this summer, when reading the tweet in this newspaper, he retweeted it immediately and left a message that his freezer had been well prepared, and he would like to participate in the charity event again.

It is worth mentioning that, “Loving freezers” have been set around 10℃ before being delivered to the service networks, to make the water proper for those in need.

It is reported that the event of "cold water for free" has received lots of praise in the society since July 22nd. “Loving freezer” has become a charitable platform for caring about those working under high temperature. It is hoped that this event can last year after year and that those “loving freezers” can cool the whole city of Jinjiang.


  7月22日,本报微信公众号推文《【您一个转发 为他们送出一瓶水】大暑送清凉,致敬烈日下的劳动者!》阅读量超过16万,得到了各界人士的大力支持。










  记者:黄伟强 王志前 蔡明宣 董严军 秦越  

  翻译校对:张蕾 黄荣足 黄雅君 刘巧艺



稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 谢飞明陈子汉 [打印] 
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