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11.5 million LILANZ’s stock options granted: 213 employees reaped benefits

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2020-07-13 18:25

LILANZ (China) Company Ltd. announced on July 3rd that it granted 11.5 million stock options to 213 employees.

11.5 millions share options granted to 213 LILANZ employees.


The objects of the stock option incentive are officers working 2 years or more. They don’t need to pay any cash and can exercise, at HK$4.31, 2 years after the date of grant, valid for 10 years. The costs will be accounted for by LILANZ.

The “red envelope” is really big. LILANZ is expected to pay around 50 to 70 million yuan. Except for the direct stock costs, 49.565 million yuan, LILANZ will also advance other expenses, i. e. taxes and costs in stock rights change.

What do the stock options mean to employees? Suppose the reporter receives 10,000 options. IfLILANZ’s share price rises to HK$20 2 years later, the reporter will get a cash benefit of HK$43,000 before taxes for nothing; if below HK$4.31, he can’t cash in his shares, but can choose not to exercise the options.

“The company grants stock options, and we benefit from that. So, for sure, everyone will take it as her own business and work harder,” Chen (an employee in LILANZ) said.

During the coronavirus outbreak, LILANZ not only pays full salaries to employees, but offers top workers a pay raise of 10% to 30%. The welfare system is based on its philosophy that the competitiveness lies  in company’s size and profits, as well as in talents.

“The outbreak does harm to the clothing industry. LILANZ’s share price remains at a depressed level. Stock options granted now, they, employees, can reap better benefits in the future,” Wang Congxing, vice chairman of the board in LILANZ, said.

This draws attention in the industry. “For a company, to cope easily with future uncertainties is to keep key employees, it's a win-win move,” Tu Manzhang, a member of Expert Committee of Human Resources Management Division said. It frees employees’ worries, keeps talents for the company and brings more chance to the city, Jinjiang.










策划:秦 娴

执行:施珊妹 李诗怡 刘 宁 董严军

翻译:黄珍珍 郑芷芳 张自玲

稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 谢飞明陈子汉 [打印] 
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