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Pilot for Cross-Border E-commerce B2B Export Supervision was Launched in Quanzhou

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2020-07-13 18:25

The first batch of commodities from cross-border e-commerce B2B export was cleared on July 1st by Jinjiang Office, Quanzhou Customs. It is the first in Quanzou since Xiamen Customs was made one of the 10 supervision pilots for cross-border e-commerce B2B (Business to Business) export, which also marked the official launch of the pilot programme in Quanzhou Customs District.

The batch of commodities from Fujian New Shiying E-commerce Co., Ltd., which was said to be 295 clothes ($ 3,458 worth), was fast cleared in the model of Cross-border Overseas Warehouses (Code 9810). 

Commodities loaded to export.


Promote the transformation of traditional foreign trades

Xiamen Customs, as well as the other 9 domestic customs, has started the pilot programme of cross-border e-commerce B2B export supervision since July 1st. Being subject to Xiamen Customs, Quanzhou Customs was also engaged in the programme, said the official in charge. Enterprises will benefit a lot from the reform and its facilitation measures like one-off registration, joint processing, fast clearance, simplified declaration, priority in inspection, customs transfer allowed, return account management, etc. Meanwhile, to promote the clearance efficiency, the whole process of clearance goes paperless under automatic comparison.

The official in charge said, in response to the increasing needs of cross-border e-commerce development, a new model of B2B export is provided in the pilot programme. It will coordinate the relevant measures promoted by Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Finance and its Tax Bureau, State Administration of Foreign Exchange, etc. The new model will also accelerates the clearance of commodities from online transactions made on China Import and Export Fair, China International Import Expo., etc. during the pandemic of Covid-19, and further improve the statistical work of cross-border e-commerce. Meanwhile, the official launch of the pilot programme in Quanzhou will greatly facilitate the transformation of traditional foreign trades enterprises into cross-border e-commerce enterprises, offering more patterns of clearance and logistics for choice.

Help to reduce the cost and increase the market share

Then, does the new model of clearance for cross-border e-commerce B2B export really help to reduce the cost of the enterprise, and increase its market share?

As to the cross-border e-commerce enterprises with mass export needs, they can have their commodities exported to its overseas warehouses first, then pack the single parcel with its waybill after the actual transaction is made. It will greatly cut the cost of logistics and operation, compared to the independent delivery of every single parcel in the past.

Besides, considering the possible low value of the export consignment from cross-border e-commerce enterprises, especially those of small and micro-size, it is allowed for each consignment to be cleared in the form of checklist declaration (with 57 items cut off from regular declaration) when its worth is less than 5000 RMB and no certification, inspection, and tax are required, according to relevant regulations. Qualified declarations could also go simply with the 6 digit HS Code, which makes the declaration much easier for the enterprises and greatly improve the clearance efficiency.

It is worth mentioning that, the model of overseas warehouses for cross-border e-commerce export also helps to improve the customer experience and increase the order rate. With the cost of logistics accounting for up to 20%-30% of the total cost in cross-border e-commerce, difference in the choice of logistics will be directly reflected on the final prices of the goods.

In addition, to deal with the difficulty in goods returning, the customs has innovated the overseas warehouses ship-back management for cross-border e-commerce export by setting up base accounts for both the enterprise and each consignment. As long as the ship-backs from the overseas warehouses happen within a year, consignments of different declarations for the same enterprise could be returned in one single declaration, which further cut off the cost of the enterprise.













  策划:秦 娴

  执行:施珊妹 李诗怡 刘 宁 董严军

  翻译:黄珍珍 郑芷芳 张自玲

稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 谢飞明陈子汉 [打印] 
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