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Fujian Sturgeons advances to the CBA playoffs

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2020-07-28 18:31

On the evening of July 20, the Fujian Sturgeons, a team owned by Fujian Panpan Foods, defeated Xinjiang Yilite with a score of 106:101. They sealed their qualification for the playoffs in this key battle and became the last team to enter the CBA playoffs.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Zhelin has already made 27% of his three-pointers this season, but he played his role as the team's "strong heart" for the second time, scoring the decisive three-pointer in the game.

Wang Zhelin(middle)dribbling past the defenders in the game

"Being promoted to the playoffs again, I feel the only difference from last season is that we were 7th last year, but I don't know which ranking we are now." Wang Zhelin's words show that he or the whole team's goal is to win more games and to move towards higher team rankings.

After the game, the head coach of the Fujian Sturgeons said in an interview with reporters that the process of playing from last but one in the league to being qualified for the playoffs was indeed very difficult. It felt like winning the championship for them. Their next goal is to play well. "It's not sure how much energy we still have for tomorrow's game, yet we should forget the success we had in the past and do our best to maintain our momentum and bring fun to the fans."







  记者:齐玉波 刘宁 林小杰 董严军 秦越  

  翻译校对:林琳 张秀燕 吴景森 陈娟



稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 谢飞明陈子汉 [打印] 
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