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www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2019-05-24 19:24

  ●On May 8, a seminar on the long reportage "Jinjiang, Running to the Sea" was held by the China Writers Association. "Jinjiang Experience", "Jinjiang Spirit" and "Jinjiang Stories" have drawn tremendous attention and have been discussed by the literary and artistic society in Beijing. Ren Lin, the author of the book, uses touching and profound stories to describe the struggle and achievements of Jinjiang people.

  ●On May 12, the inauguration ceremony of Jinjiang Bacui Bilingual School was held in Quanzhou. Jinjiang Bacui Bilingual School will be officially opened in September this year. It plans to take in 280 students from grade one to grade five in the primary school department, and 175 students in both the first and second grades of junior high school. It is worth mentioning that the school has an international department, mainly for students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, as well as overseas Chinese, foreign students and students who are going to study abroad in the near future.

  ●On May 15, Quanzhou Jinjiang International Airport announced that the airport will invest 1.45 billion yuan in expansion and renovation of its facilities , and will be in the rank among those international airports which deliver over ten million flights next year. It is understood that the 13th Five-Year Plan of expansion and renovation project of Jinjiang Airport includes the renovation of 2600 meters of parallel taxiway, the addition of 19 new parking bays together with supporting facilities, and the expansion of 25,000 square meters of terminal building.

  ●On May 19, the first Jinjiang Cultural Tourism Festival opened. In the following 21 days, the cultural tourism Carnival will display the brand new aspects of Jinjiang's integration of culture and tourism in an all-round way. More than 200 activities in nine series will be staged in turn, including "Wudianshi Courtyard Music Festival", "Intangible Cultural Heritage + Science and Technology" an interactive activity of puppets, "Jinjiang Photos" a news photography event, and other thematic activities. In the meantime, the first tourist bus line in Jinjiang will be open to traffic.

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稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 陈子汉陈子汉 [打印] 
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