A miniature "United Nations" football team in Jinjiang

Different skin color, differentlanguage, football and sweat are the best communication. There is a football team galloping in Quanzhou and Jinjiang - Spartacus fc, their players are from the Netherlands, Spain, England, Finland, France and other countries, like a small "United Nations".
Mike, from the Netherlands, is the leader of the Spartacus fc football club. According to his introduction, the team was founded in 2012,and it was formed by a group of foreigners who were eager to join the local amateur football circle, half of the players worked and lived in Jinjiang, and they usually played football together when they were free, and also took part in local amateur football match. After playing football for a few years, the team did well and won several league champions last year.
Now that the new season starts in 2018, Mike, the team leader, is busy preparing for the team's equipment and sponsorship. This year, the OGLL professional football equipment of Fujian Zhongmingjia sports products co., LTD. from Jinjiang Chendai, will sponsor the team.
In addition to the OGLL, Mike had used the Jinjiang sports brand products like Anta, 361°, xtep,etc. Among them, Anta shoes left a deep impression on him, he thinks, Jinjiang’s craft is no doubt not worse than big brands,he felt it was necessary for Jinjiang sports brands to be internationalized " They are waiting to be famous abroad!"
Jinjiang will hold international competitions like FISU World Cup, Gymnasiade.Mike who used to work as a football coach thinks this is a very precious thing for Jinjiang, and is also a good development opportunity for Jinjiang football career. "The event will raise children's awareness of sports, and the most important thing is to get the children to love football." Finally, he suggested that the school to invite professional coaches to train to help students improving.

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