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Thousands of Americans lined up to buy Jinjiang shoes

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2018-03-16 17:16

In San Francisco, people lined up to buy Jinjiang shoes.

  On March 5th, in the Nice Kicks Anta shoe store in San Francisco, thousands of people lined up for a sneaker. This is the company's first global limited edition of basketball shoes-" KT3- Rocco " . "What a spectacle! It was a pleasant surprise,unexpected." Yang Xu, the general manager of Anta basketball division, who was in charge of the launch, said it was unexpected.

  Anta, the brand which Americans queuing up to buy, comes from Jinjiang, China. Here, there are many sports brands like Anta, Xtep, 361 °, GuiRenNiao, QiaoDan and so forth. Jinjiang is the world's largest production base for sports shoes, with an annual output of 1 billion pairs of sports shoes. It is not exaggerate to say that one in six people in the world wear sneakers from Jinjiang.

  STRATA 2,the latest product which is launched by the product series of "361 ° international professional running shoes family" is blossoming in the North American market, became one high-profile shoe edition that season. Recently, it got the Canadian Running magazine- Canadian Running 2018 Spring Editor’s Pick Award-Best Cushioning shoe.

  In the opening ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics on February 9,Anta "Chinese Olympics Uniforms" dressed by the Chinese Olympics delegation attracted the attention of all the audiences and the world.At the invitation of the International Olympic committee President Thomas Bach, Shizhong Ding who is the chairman of the board and CEO of Anta group, Anta group executive director and president Jie Zheng also present as important representatives of the Chinese sports brand,as pyeongchang winter Olympics torchbearers.

  “In 2008,I was the torchbearer in the Olympic Games held in Beijing, but it was a pity that the match clothes wore on the Chinese national team were not Chinese brands. But in the 2022 winter Olympics in Beijing, China's national team will wear the top gear of Anta, representing China going to the world. ”Shizhong Ding held the torch in pyeongchang said.

  In the early morning of March 4th,in the men's 60m final at the Birmingham world indoor athletics Championships in 2018,the spokesman Zhenye Xie made personal best record, and won the fourth place. And since signing Zhenye Xie, Xtep started to do the professional scientific analysis for Zhenye Xie,invested in R & D production of exclusive professional custom game equipment exclusively, boosted Zhenye Xie to get better scores on the track.

  From the vivid examples,it’s not hard to see that Jinjiang sports brands are active in all international "stages". They are making global consumers aware of Chinese brands through high-quality goods, making them cherish and aspire to Chinese brands.

  "Let global consumers pay for Chinese brands, and make Chinese brands to be the brands that everyone really wants to buy and go to the world." This is Jinjiang sports brands’ common wishes.

  And the charming city which has 21 sports goods listed companies,owns “ The capital of the brand” and the reputation of "Chinese shoes capital" - Jinjiang, is facing the huge sports industry market in the world, strives to achieve the transformation from "a pair of shoes" to "a city", to build real internationalization innovative quality city.


  The story of KT3-Rocco: "Star plus Dog" ,the shoes will impress people

  This pair of limited edition of basketball shoes KT3-Rocco with lotus color appearance is very influential socially, it’s designed by Anta design director Robbie Fuller, the design elements come from Anta signing basketball star, the Golden State Warriors player Klay Thompson, and the star’s dog Rocc. And Rocco is a big deal for Thompson, likes the closest family member.

  One of the highlights of the edition of shoes is the image and story of the bulldog. The left tongue of the shoe is Thompson's cartoon character, and the right shoe tongue is the cartoon image of the bulldog Rocco, which means they fight side by side.

  "Star plus Dog" is an interesting symbol, which is the emotion that is conveyed by the shoes, which is the added value of the goods and the truly touching part of the shoes.

Shizhong Ding,the chairman of the board and CEO of Anta group.

Jinjiang has many sports brands like Anta, Xtep and so forth.

  (本期策划:常励煊 本期执行:巫舒静 柯恺筠 林雅芳董瑞婷 董严军)


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