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Emblem: "Bricks to Stone" Makes Its Sparkling Debut

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2018-10-31 16:40

“bricks to stone”

  Today 2018 Kelme Asian University Sports Federation (AUSF) Football Cup kicks off in Jinjiang. On the court the official appearance of the emblem stuns everyone.

  The main body of the emblem is the traditional design element of "bricks to stone", which is composed of six bricks of different colors, forming a dynamic football figure.

  The whole pattern is a variant of the Chinese character "亚", and it is also a variant of the initial letter "A" of Asia and AUSF. The "Jinjiang 2018" written by a brush pen reflects the traditional Chinese charm.

  In terms of color, the emblem is mainly red and green. Red represents the main color of traditional architecture in southern Fujian, while green represents the football field, which combines the spirit of football with the urban spirit of Jinjiang.

  The entire emblem is simple, bright and easy to disseminate.

  It is reported that the emblem of 2018 Kelme AUSF Football Cup was officially released on August 8th, 2018.

  Previously, the organizing committee invited five well-known domestic design companies to participate in the design and received a total of 10 design proposals. After several rounds of discussion and research, extensive opinions were sought from all parties and submitted to the AUSF for review and approval. Finally, the proposal by New Culture (Jinjiang) Advertising Media Co., Ltd. was selected. Its designer, Zhou Xie, is the company's general manager and design director, as well as a native of Minnan.

  Zhou Xie revealed that the words "Jinjiang 2018" in the emblem was written by a brush pen. He was constantly practicing in the office with a brush pen in order to write a vigorous "Jinjiang 2018" in beautiful calligraphy.

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标签:新晋江| jinjiang|football
稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 陈子汉陈子汉 [打印] 
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