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www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2018-09-29 17:06

  On August 24th, the qualifying games of Chinese college students for the 2018 Asian University Sports Federation (AUSF) Football Cup came to an end. Beijing Institute of Technology won the men’s championship, and Beijing Normal University won the women’s championship, with Donghua University the second place. These three groups will represent China and attend the 2018 AUSF Football Cup, which will be held in Jinjiang from October 29th to November 11th.

  On September 15th, a signing ceremony was held between Hengan Group and Fujian Women’s Basketball Team. It not only establishes the cooperating relationship between Hengan Group and Fujian Women’s Basketball Team, but signifies that the home field for Fujian Women’s Basketball Team in the WCBA 2018 to 2019 seasons will be set in Jinjiang. So far Jinjiang is the only county-level city in China that owns top-notch men’s and women’s professional basketball teams.

  On September 20th, the “2018 Top 10 Economic Counties of Fujian” were revealed, with Jinjiang holding No.1 again. Since this assessment was launched in 1994 in Fujian Province, Jinjiang has been leading the economic development at county-level in the whole province for 25 years.

  On September 23rd, Mr. Xu Qingliu, the president of Lianjie International Group, representing Xu Shudian family, donated 88.888888 million yuan to the Xu Shudian Charity Foundation in Houlin Anhai, Jinjiang. His generous act contributes a substantial part to the charity development in Jinjiang.

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