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How American Guy Stephan Spent His Mid-Autumn Festival

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2018-09-29 16:55

  His English TV Show about Jinjiang’s Societies is Coming Soon

  Foreigners in Jinjiang

  Stephan, a handsome guy from the USA and an English teacher of Quanzhou No. 5 Middle School, has been living in Quanzhou for 3 years. On the very day of Mid-Autumn Festival, Ke Kaiyun, a journalist of Jinjiang Economy News, interviewed Stephan about how he spent this Chinese traditional festival. As Stephan told Ke, his previous Mid-Autumn Festival was spent on the journey. On every Mid-Autumn Festival during his stay in China, he would go on tour in Quanzhou’s suburbs with some of his foreigner friends. They once attempted to spend this festival in a traditional Chinese way, but the crowded streets scared them out of this plan. Stephan got to know this festival through eating moon cakes. Although many of his foreign friends are not used to moon cakes, Stephan enjoys the flavors of moon cakes, especially those with double egg yolk surrounded by lotus seed paste.

  This Mid-Autumn Festival Stephan joined his friends in moon cake gambling and won a T-shirt. He also received from his friend a five-nut-flavored moon cake, which was his only moon cake this year. He thinks of buying moon cakes at the supermarket after the festival. “Moon cakes then will be a real bargain,” Stephan said.

  Before long, Stephan was invited to participate in Sunday Talkshow, an English program hosted by Jinjiang Economy News’official WeChat public platform. In the process of shooting, Stephen showed his outstanding talent for expressing emotions, which means he could understand each scene deeply and put it on in front of the camera in a better way. In fact, he nurtured this talent when he was pursuing his undergraduate degree, majoring in short film directing. He dreamed of becoming a director. However, he turned out to be a teacher in China due to some reasons.

  When talking about Sunday Talkshow, Stephan confessed that he felt interested in it when he received the invitation. Since he enjoyed challenging himself, he accepted the offer. After the discussion of program content, he found this TV show meaningful. “Perhaps at first foreign friends don’t pay much attention to this TV show. However, its characteristic features, interesting styles and rich contents will one day become the most appealing TV show for those foreigners who want to know about Jinjing.”

  In the coming issue of Sunday Talkshow, Stephan will introduce Jinjiang’s various societies and associations. Nowadays, societies play an active role in Jinjiang. There are diverse types of society, covering culture, sports, languages and so on. They enrich Jinjiang people’s life.

  Stephan said he had stories with Jinjiang different from others. To know Jinjiang better, he used to wander around Jinjiang by bike alone. On his tour, he got chatted up by dama (middle-to-elderly-aged ladies). Sometimes he even lost his way in the dark. To have a taste of genuine sea worm jelly, he transferred from one bus to another and eventually arrived in Anhai. However, After the first bite, he never wanted to try it again.

  Stephan also said that he loved Jinjiang’s wide roads and its diverse culture. “Perhaps Jinjiang is not as bustling as metropolises, but she has an ambience for a quiet life.”

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稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 陈子汉陈子汉 [打印] 
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