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Yummy Moon Cakes,Funny Game

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2018-09-29 16:48

  Foreigners Enjoyed the Moon Cake Gambling during the Mid-Autumn Festival in Jinjiang

Joyful moon cake gambling

  The traditional Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese lunar calendar. When it comes to Mid-Autumn Festival, foreigners may think of enjoying moon cakes and admiring the full moon. Actually, there is a more “down-to-earth” folk activity in Minnan district—moon cake gambling.

  The first Cross-strait Folk Carnival of Moon Cake Gambling was held in hilarity at Wudianshi traditional blocks of Jinjiang on September 13th. Nearly a dozen foreigners who live, work and study here, together with over 100 members of Jinjiang Tourism Association, celebrated the festival in a special way.

  On the evening, 20 tables were well aligned before the Dicos of Wudianshi, on which hundreds of moon cakes were placed in sequence. The couple of Amine and Adina from South Africa were cheerful to be present, while many other foreigners had been waiting for the start of the game. “It’s said that the game can tell the fortune of the coming year. Everybody craves the prize of ‘Zhuangyuan’.” Having known the rules, foreigners were all excited and eager to have a try.

  “One dice of four pips grants Xiucai!” The first throw by Adina indicated a good start. “Two dice of four pips, Juren!” “Six dice of 1,2,3,4,5,6 pips respectively, Bangyan!”...In the first round, almost everyone got rewards. For each throw, they would cast a steady gaze at the rolling dice, holding their breath and yelling “Zhuangyuan! Zhuangyuan! Must be Zhuangyuan!”. Having tried many little tricks for good luck, like rubbing hands, changing hands even puffing, “Zhuangyuan” was still late in coming. The moment everyone suggested a downgrading, it turned around. “Four dice of four pips! Got it!” Rolly from South Africa won “Zhuangyuan”. The crowd burst into scream and cheer. However, when everyone believed Rolly was sure to win, a latecomer cast a better throw and got the upper hand. The big prize just slipped away. “I’ve been here in Jinjiang for more than three years, but it’s my very first time to join in moon cake gambling.” Rolly said. Though he almost won the biggest prize, Rolly was still very happy to get the favorable prize of “Jinshi”.

  “It is my first time in this activity. I never thought people would throw dice to celebrate the festival”, said Sushank in great surprise, the first foreign talent with a post doctoral degree recruited by Jinjiang from India. “The moon cake is delicious and I have a really good time,” he said, after enjoying his winning prize—a moon cake.

  “We have no such Mid-Autumn Festival in Mexico. I only heard about it last year when I came to Jinjiang.” Patty, from Mexico, said in great enjoyment. “It’s my first moon cake gambling. Being with friends, throwing dice and winning prizes, it’s really amazing!” Patty said she was happy to take part in this Minnan activity, which makes her better integrated into the life in Jinjiang and feel the charm of traditional Chinese culture.

  Foreign students from Malaysia, Liu Yukai and Chen Yucheng, now studying in Quanzhou College of Technology, participated in moon cake gambling for the second time. “My first participation in moon cake gambling at school last year was great”, said Liu Yukai. In Malaysia, Mid-Autumn Festival is the second most significant Chinese festival apart from the Spring Festival, celebrated by eating moon cakes and lantern parades. “But we don’t have moon cake gambling, so we are happy to experience the traditional culture with the Chinese”, they said.

I want to win“Zhuangyuan”!


  Moon cake gambling is a unique Minnan folk custom, which has been passed down since Zheng Chenggong, a general of the Ming Dynasty stationing his army in Xiamen to recover Taiwan. Zheng made it a popular game among his troops to relieve their homesickness during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  When gambling, game players gather around the table and throw 6 dice in turn. From the lowest to the highest, the titles of six ranks are Xiucai, Juren, Jinshi, Tanhua, Bangyan and Zhuangyuan. If you get 4 dice of four pips, 2 dice of 1 pip, you win the biggest title of “Zhuangyuan”, that is, “Zhuangyuan with two gold flowers”.

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