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The origin of "Wudianshi",a scene in Jinjiang

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2018-03-16 17:36

  During the Lantern Festival, many tourists visited the traditional block of Wudianshi in Jinjiang. Among them, the number of tourists on the night of the fifteenth day of the first lunar month exceeded 100,000.

  The traditional block of Wudianshi is the national AAAA scenic spot, and is located in the center of Jinjiang city. Many people are curious about the origin of the name "Wudianshi". In fact, "Wudianshi" is not a new name, but an historical old name of Jinjiang Qingyang.According to Jinjiang county annals, this appellation appeared in Tang Dynasty. In this way, the word "Wudianshi" has a history of thousands of years.

  According to relevant records, in the western Tsin Dynasty, Chua family settled in.According to the legends,in the Tang Dynasty, during the years of Kaiyuan reign of the Tang Dynasty,there were many guests in Wudianshi, there were five brothers of the seventh generation,and they opened five restaurants for the convenience of travelers, and the guests praised them as "Qingyang Chua Wudianshi".

  It can also be said that "Wudianshi" is the cradle of Jinjiang Qingyang city.

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