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59 schools in Jinjiang awarded "National Feature School"

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2020-11-03 19:47

News came lately that another 8 primary and secondary schools in Jinjiang were enrolled in the list of 2020 National Feature Schools, respectively under the categories of basketball, volleyball and winter sports. So far, there have been 59 National Feature Schools of Sports in Jinjiang as estimated.

National Feature Schools in Jinjiang: 

Football: 33 National Feature Schools of Football, 11 National Feature kindergartens of Football 

Basketball: 7 National Feature Schools of Basketball 

Volleyball: 7 National Feature Schools of Volleyball 

Winter Sports: 1 National Feature School of Winter Sports (roller skating)

Feature School of Volleyball No. 10 Experimental Primary School: Everyone plays volleyball and everyone loves it

Passing by Jinjiang No.10 Experimental Primary School in the morning, you are sure to be attracted by the lively music from the campus. If you get closer, you’ll be amazed at the grand sight that 1,400 students move all to⁃ gether to the music, practicing volleyball exercises like dig⁃ ging or passing on the playground.

"Everyone in our school has a volleyball of his own. Everyone plays volleyball and everyone loves it", said Zhong Zhi, headmaster of the school. Located in Jiapai County, Yinglin Town, which is honored "A land of Volley⁃ ball", the school has been greatly influenced by the atmo⁃ sphere and has launched the feature project of volleyball teaching and practicing since its establishment in 2014.

Zhang Mingxuan, a tall boy in Grade Six, said, "I’ve had the companion of volleyball for all the six years in pri⁃ mary school." He was enrolled in the school team in Grade Three and has become a piker. Recently, the team has been actively preparing for Volleyball League of Ying⁃ lin Primary and Secondary Schools, set to kick off in No⁃ vember.

"The best of learning to play volleyball is that I grow taller and much stronger", said the girl Liu Yilin. At very beginning, she was so awkward that she could only do throw-and-dig for 6 times, while now her best record is a continuous practicing for more than 200 times.

It is worth mentioning that the school has introduced volleyball to the family of each student, so that children and their parents could enjoy playing volleyball together.

The award of National Feature School of Volleyball is so cheerful and inspirational to teachers and students that they all declare further commitment to the project. "In the next stage, more resources and platform will be drawn so that students could benefit more and enjoy more from learn⁃ ing to play volleyball", said the headmaster.


Feature School of Basketball Zifeng Basketball Wows People

"Wow" is the first word com⁃ ing to people’s mind when mention⁃ ing basketball team of Zifeng Mid⁃ dle School. Yes! In the Hornor Room stand rows of shining tro⁃ phies and plaques!

Zifeng Basketball has become the pride of Jinjiang basketball lov⁃ ers in recent years after playing times for Quanzhou and Fujian Province and winning piles of med⁃ als in various Middle School Basket⁃ ball Games at different levels. Wom⁃ en’s team, in particular, has won all championships in Jinjiang, Quan⁃ zhou and Fujian Middle School Bas⁃ ketball Games since its birth 5 years ago. Completing five trophies in Quanzhou Middle School Basket⁃ ball League and Fujian Middle School Basketball Championship, it played for Fujian Province in Guangdong- Hongkong- Macao- Fujian Invitational Tournament 2018 and won the second place.

"School basketball gave me many competition opportunities and helped me enter my favorite univer⁃ sity", Chen Zhengling said, graduat⁃ ing from Zifeng Middle School this year, once a member of its women’ s basketball team. She had won the championship 3 times in Fujian Middle School Basketball Champion⁃ ship. Now, as a student in Institute of Physical Education, Shanxi Nor⁃ mal University, she quite missed the basketball days in Zifeng Mid⁃ dle School.

Students all can experience the joy of basketball at the school, and it becomes their close friend. Since its start of basketball education, the school has offered basketball cours⁃ es once a week. The Sporting Group also self- edited a textbook on basketball teaching and training for students’ basic knowledge and skills at basketball. Now, Students at the school basically can watch and comment games.

"Competition is the charm of sports", Shi Huaxiong, the head⁃ master of Zifeng Middle School said. Students are encouraged and organized to watch games online and offline, they learn in gamewatching. It is a way to arouse and keep their interest in basket⁃ ball.


Feature School of Football The most Vibrant Scene of Xinyang Primary School

"Students are very relaxed and happy when playing football, and that's what it is all about." Xu Yuhuan, headmaster of Xinyang Prima⁃ ry School, pointed at the children who are running freely on the field and smiled, "it’s the most vibrant scene of the campus."

In 2015, Xinyang Primary School was enrolled as one of the first nation⁃ al feature schools of football. In re⁃ cent years, Xinyang primary School football team has gained prominence. In the Quanzhou Primary School Foot⁃ ball League 2019, girls' football team stood out from 26 teams and won the first championship of Jinjiang's team.

It is worth mentioning that the girls' football team of Xinyang Primary School has broken the stereotype that "sports practice will interfere with chil⁃ dren’s study". Among the 10 mem⁃ bers, more than half of them ranked top three in the class, making them truly excellent students. The other sev⁃ eral members also achieved good aca⁃ demic performance.

"The kids have proved to us that playing football does not inter⁃ fere with their study, on the contrary, it benefits their intellectual develop⁃ ment." Watching her daughter Ye Jingmei and his teammates happily holding up the trophy, Wu Fengjin looked proud. However, five years ago, when her daughter decided to learn to play football, Wu Fengjin ob⁃ jected. In her opinion, girls are not suitable to play football, not only be⁃ cause they easily get hurt, but be⁃ cause football time displaces the time that they could spend doing home⁃ work. With her daughter's repeated as⁃ surances, Wu Fengjin reluctantly let go. Now, every time when she talks about her daughter, she will be grate⁃ ful to the school and be glad that she did not kill her interest.

Nowadays, Ye Jingmei is not only the captain of the school's girl's foot⁃ ball team, but also ranks among the best in the class. She has also achieved success in piano, calligraphy, singing, and dance. "My teacher tells us that playing football is not easy. Only by improving academic perfor⁃ mance can we better implement the tactical intentions on the pitch. There⁃ fore, we play hard and study hard." Ye Jingmei says she has grown from a crybaby into a strong- minded girl by playing football.


Feature School of Winter Sports Jinjiang No. 5 Experimental Primary School: "Speed and Passion"

In Jinjiang No. 5 Experimental Primary School, roller skating, one of new school sports, is deeply loved by students. Students not only get enormous charm but also grow a lot from it.

Ding Zhiqing, a fourth- grade student, becomes braver after learning roller skating several times. "At first, I was a little scared, and slipped many times. The coach corrected my movements patiently. I can skate very smoothly now and learn some new tricks. " Ding Zhiqing practices roller skating with many students and enjoys the fun of it.

"Chendai is a strong sports town and the birth⁃ place of many well- known sports brands (Anta, Xtep, 361°, Guirenniao, etc.). Various sports are be⁃ coming more popular, and the main stadium of Gym⁃ nasiade is also located here. The school cannot natu⁃ rally fall behind. We must keep up with the trend and develop a variety of sports. Therefore, roller skating comes into being." Xu Jianping, the head⁃ master of Jinjiang No. 5 Experimental Primary School, introduced that the school considers sports as a school- running feature, offers "colorful courses and cultivates "Five Qi" teenagers." Students’cam⁃ pus life has become more colorful with the populari⁃ ty of roller skating.

Nowadays, there are more than 30 people in roller skating team. Every breaks between the class⁃ es or Children's Palace time, members of roller skat⁃ ing team gather together to train basic skills under the guidance of roller skating teachers. Every Tues⁃ day, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoon, members do intensive training. Roller skating has become fa⁃ miliar to students and has attracted more and more students to join.









  排球特色学校第十实验小学 :人人会打排球 人人喜欢排球
























  策划:秦 娴


  董严军 秦 越 陈巧玲

  翻译:黄珍珍 张自玲 郑芷芳 黄凌燕

标签:National Feature School
稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 谢飞明陈子汉 [打印] 
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