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Hengsheng Animation listed on Hong Kong stock exchange

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2020-07-20 19:17

On July 13, Fujian Hengsheng Animation Culture Diffusion Co.ltd. (stock name: Yik Wo International Holdings Limited or YIK WO INTL) was successfully listed on the GEM (Growth Enterprise Market) of the Hong Kong stock exchange, becoming Jinjiang's second company that has been listed this year. So far, Jinjiang is home to 48 listed companies.

Yik Wo International issued 150 million shares (before exercising the over-allotment rights), with the issue price of HK $0.40 per share. On that afternoon, Hengsheng Animation rose 90% to close at HK $0.76.

Xu Wenjie, chairman of the board of Hengsheng Group, said that the listing was primarily to grasp the necessity of larger market share in the industry, to satisfy the actual capital demand, and to develop more diversified plastic meal boxes.

It is reported that Yik Wo International is engaged in the design, development, production and sales of disposable plastic food containers. The company is capable of manufacturing more than 300 types of meal boxes of different sizes, designs and shapes, mainly for domestic market, as well as a small proportion for overseas users. The products are mostly used for storing food and beverage. According to the relevant Chinese certification standards or regulations, the meal boxes should pass such tests as food safety, heat resistance, melt index, performance and color transfer before they are sold to customers.







  记者:蔡明宣 曾小凤 柯雅雅 董严军  

  翻译校对:许剑辉 许凌逸 柯招榕



稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 谢飞明陈子汉 [打印] 
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