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Jinjiang Youth Sports School testing & fine-tuning equipment

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2020-07-06 17:39

The project of Jinjiang Youth Sports School has passed the pre-inspection in the middle of April and nears completion recently. At present, the project equipment is under testing and fine-tuning, well prepared for the arrival of the national badminton team and the young students of the school.

An aerial view of Jinjiang Youth Sports School晋江市少体校鸟瞰图

The stadium is surrounded by lush greenery with the iconic Olympic Rings hanging high up on the curtain wall which can be seen from afar. “The outdoor landscape has almost been completed. All the planting job is expected to be finished during the Dragon Boat Festival,” said Yin Minglei, the executive manager of the project. Several workers were working on the site, gardening and maintaining the plants.

Sitting side-by-side, the gymnasium and the training hall showcase the distinctive style of Southern Fujian architecture with major tones of red and white. The athletic silhouettes on the facades bring full dynamism and vitality to the buildings. Inside the gymnasium with all the seats and curtains installed, two workers are polishing the wooden floors with the help of some machines. “The wooden floor of the training hall is also being polished and will be painted after polishing. The floor will be professionally tested later to ensure it meets the requirements of the match and has sports functions,” Yin added, “there will be no seats in the training hall, but the curtains have been fully installed.”

Right behind the gym, the athletic field creates a lively picture with its grassy lawn, scarlet tracks, and bright blue seats. It’s reported that in a few days, all the function rooms here will be furnished with tables and chairs. Next to the field stand three single buildings: the athletes’ apartment, the students’ dormitory, and the canteen. “Showers and bathrooms are now available in these buildings, and the furniture is being purchased. Once fully furnished, they will be ready for moving in,” said Yin Minglei.

It’s known that more than 80 construction workers are now working on the project of Jinjiang Youth Sports School to test and adjust the equipment. Yin said, “at present, they are testing and fine-tuning water and electricity, fire control, lighting, facilities, and equipment. In addition to individual tests and adjustments, an overall inspection will be conducted to make sure it’s adequately prepared for the use of the national badminton team and the young students of the school.”

The project of Jinjiang Youth Sports School is located at Qianpu Village, Anhai Town, covering an area of 91,935 square meters, with a total designed construction area of 50,944 square meters. The main construction includes an athletic field, a gymnasium, a training hall, 100-meter stormproof tracks, students’ dormitories, athletes' apartments, canteens, underground parking lots, strength training gyms, and outdoor landscape, etc.









  记者:蔡明宣  李诗怡  柯国笠  董严军

  翻译校对:张蕾  黄雅君  刘巧艺



标签:晋江市 少体校项目
稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 谢飞明陈子汉 [打印] 
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