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Hengan cooperates with Alibaba to build research center for digital intelligence marketing

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2020-07-06 17:39

How traditional marketing can make a success in the digital age was the focus of recent business cooperation. On June 29, the kick-off conference of Hengan Group and Alibaba Group’s digital intelligence marketing project was held at Hengan Management College to build a research center for digital intelligence marketing.

A workshop of Hengan Group恒安生产车间

Xu Qingchi, vice president of Hengan Group’s operation center, served as the project manager. He accepted the letter of appointment given by Xu Lianjie, president of Hengan Group. The core members of both Hengan and Alibaba worked together and formally set up the goal of the cooperation: Big idea in digital intelligence marketing.

Xu Lianjie, president of Hengan Group, said that the Group is experiencing a shift from providing a “customer-driven” strategy into “consumer-driven” ones to meet the requirements in the digital age. “As an FMCG enterprise, Hengan dedicates to providing consumers with high-quality products and services. To create value for consumers, the Group must use big data to observe and meet consumers’ demands and then to guide the innovation and development of its products. Therefore, digitization and new technologies are important to the development of the Group.” Xu told the conference.

“It is a small step forward but an important step for the Group’s development in digital intelligence transformation. A forward looking has always helped the group turn crisis into opportunity. It is important for the Group to timely upgrade its brand, supply chain, and distribution channels, and to integrate the online and offline service to meet the challenge in the new era.” Xu Qingchi said. 

Xiao Lihua, president of Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Retail Business, attaches great importance to the cooperation. “Hengan has made obvious achievements with its millions of terminals. Now, the emergence of new digital technologies has laid the foundation for promoting the digital intelligence economy. We have great confidence that the millions of terminals can be reactivated with a high digital intelligence maturity.” Xiao said.

It is reported that the first phase of the project will focus on the construction of digital intelligence marketing centers, consumer service, digital marketing, new business exploration and others. The project will initially build a digital operating system for its consumers so that the group can effectively carry out brand and product innovation, digital marketing, and other consumer-driven activities.









  记者:蔡明宣  李诗怡  柯国笠  董严军

  翻译校对:张蕾  黄雅君  刘巧艺



标签:Hengan Alibaba
稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 谢飞明陈子汉 [打印] 
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