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Newcomer to "Jinjiang Board" at Capital Market

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2020-06-18 18:02

  Newcomer to "Jinjiang Board" at Capital Market

On June 3rd, Haina Intelligent Equipment International Holdings Limited (Stock Code: HK1645) was listed on the main board of Hong Kong stock exchange. Haina Intel is the first new listed enterprise of Quanzhou this year and the 47th to join the listed companies of Jinjiang.

Founded in 2011, Haina Intel is a domestic business designing and manufacturing automatic machines for disposable sanitary products, including baby diapers, adult diapers and female sanitary napkins). In this listing, Haina Intel sold 116 million shares, 58 million shares for public offering and allotment respectively, with an offering price of HK $1.38 per share. Sources indicate that after deducting the underwriting fees, commissions and other expenses of the share offering, the net proceeds from the listing of Haina Intel reached around HK $121.6 million.

22 years ago, Jinjiang had its first company listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange. Up to now, Jinjiang owns 47 listed companies at home and abroad, 16 of which are listed in Hong Kong. The amounts of initial financing have surpassed 20 billion yuan with a total market value of more than 300 billion yuan, while the amounts of refinancing have added up to over 50 billion yuan, and the merger and reorganization amounts have exceeded 67 billion yuan. In addition, there are 41 Jinjiang enterprises on Quanzhou's shortlist of back-up companies to be listed (including 5 in Sci-Tech innovation board), mainly involving textile, footwear, hardware, machinery, food and other industries.





  本期策划:秦 娴

  本报记者:沈 茜  蔡斯洵  蔡明宣  董严军  陈巧玲

  翻译校对:许剑辉  许凌逸  柯招榕  陈承雄  



稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 谢飞明陈子汉 [打印] 
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