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Jinjiang Gymnasiade Launched Its Official Website

www.ijjnews.com   晋江新闻网  2020-05-19 17:58

On May 14, the official website of the 18th Gymnasiade both in Chinese and English versions was officially put online.

Focusing on news, sports events, services and host city, the website offers six functional sections namely Home Page, Press Center (Official Release, News, Photo, Video), Event Center (Sports, Athletes, Live, Schedule & Record), Jinjiang China (China, Jinjiang), About Us (About Gymnasiade, About Gymnasiade 2020, Organization), and Service Center (Media, Volunteer, Ticket, Catering, Transport, Franchised Shop, etc.). Moreover, official sponsors of International School Sport Federation (ISF) and the 18th Gymnasiade, as well as some related links, are available on the website.

The website, with its youthful color and design, authoritative and efficient information, professional and secure services, not only displays the sports performance of global middle school students in an all-round way, but also opens up a new channel for friends at home and abroad to learn more about the Gymnasiade and China. Highlighting the concept of "Better Us, Better Future" against the backdrop of COVID-19, the website will serve as a window to present China's hospitable and opening-up image, to tell China's story well, to show characteristics of Southern Fujian and to transmit the voices of Jinjiang, Quanzhou.






稿源: 晋江新闻网  编辑: 谢飞明陈子汉 [打印] 
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